About Us

Stand Up Pups is a non-profit 501c3 animal rescue. We are a 100% foster based rescue, although our end goal is to one day build a sanctuary to home dogs in need until they find their forever home. Our mission is to promote spay/neuter, help decrease the number of dogs being killed every second, and work towards making a dent in the overcrowded shelters, saving lives of strays and abandoned animals.

Meet the team

Becca – CEO and Founder

Becca has been a lifelong animal lover.  Born in New York City, she grew up in Connecticut before moving to Georgia.  Since then, she has been rescuing dogs around town on her own because they never fail to find her.  Her work began simply during the teenage years, but she recognized the need for it to be carried to the next level by raising money for their vet care, securing foster homes when she couldn’t do it herself, and ultimately finding a forever home for each and every lost or abandoned precious animal. Becca’s ultimate dream is to have a farm and turn it into the finest animal sanctuary ever known. Her passion is raising awareness through education about animal lives, especially “Pitbull” type breeds and other misnamed bully animal breeds. Her mantra is “adopt don’t shop,” and she has been advocating against breeders and puppy mills and working towards the promotion of spaying and neutering. Becca lives in a home full of pampered rescue animals from dogs and cats to ferrets, birds, and occasionally ducks!  The current love of her life is Riley, a young eleven year old blue Pittie. For a paid living, Becca works in the Healthcare IT industry.

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